Schedule Water Meter Replacement:

Tracking & Minimizing Water Loss continues to be a Primary Concern for Municipalities & privately held Water Companies. CCP realizes the amount of energy & money it takes provide clean and safe drinking water 24/7-None can afford to be wasted. Accurate Metering & Water Conservation Awareness are the two Key Components to minimizing Water Loss.


CCP has replaced more than 100,000 Water Meters. Since 1998 we have successfully completed City Wide Replacement Projects for numerous Municipalities with Account ranges from 250-18,000 & sizes from 5/8”-36”. Our Licensed Plumbers & Apprentices are thoroughly skilled in the Installation, Digital Documentation & Programming of most Meter Manufacturer’s including Badger, Hersey, Master, & Sensus Meters. A Water Service Line Inventory is provided with each Project we perform.

We understand when our Employees enter your Resident’s Homes & Businesses we are a representation of you-And in many cases the only on Site interaction your Residents may have. It’s a lot of responsibility & we do not take it lightly. In addition to Background Checks, new Installers are Trained internally & ride along with seasoned employees for more than two weeks prior to being put on the Street.


Accuracy is key. Whether it’s an Irrigation Deduct Meter, Tenant Separation Meter or Batch Processor Meter for a Cement Mixer-It has to be correct-And we have the experience to verify where they need to be placed & how to get the data back to you, timely.

Flow Meters:

Meter Sampling Stations, Sewage Meters and Weir Manholes have been a mainstay here at CCP. Our Staff is routinely consulted & recommended by Engineers for the proper location vetting & installation of Flow Metering Structures.